Oisix ra daichi Inc.
Company Overview / Who We Are
Continuing to Create a Future of Sustainable Food
Oisix ra daichi's corporate philosophy is "Farm for Tomorrow, Table for Tomorrow." We are constantly looking for new ways to connect consumers and producers, in order to achieve a sustainable society.
Our purpose and value proposition lie in solving food-related social issues through business methods. Each and every one of our employees' performance and strong sense of ownership leads to the growth of our business as a whole, which in turn helps solves social issues. Here at Oisix ra daichi, we combine our personal growth with our contribution to society when pursuing our mission.
Through further expansion of our business, we will create a better and sustainable society, all while cultivating the future of food.
Gate City Osaki East Tower 5F, 1-11-2 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0032
1,927 members
As of March 31, 2022 *The ratio of mid-career employees* 21 (10.2%) freshers and 184 (89.8%) mid-career recruits among new hires (cumulative) in 2018, 2019, and 2020.
3,994 million JPY
Net Sales
Not Disclosed
Official Language
Our Vision / Mission
"Solving social issues surrounding food through business."
In addition to providing safe and delicious food, we strive to offer added value through various food-related services. This includes proposing novel food experiences, bringing joy to the dining table, reducing food loss, enabling farmers to engage in agriculture without worries, and helping those for whom going shopping is difficult through a mobile catering service.
In order to provide continuous and safe services to our customers, we continue to maintain and improve our system's internal IT environment and information security.
Additionally, assuming that remote work continues to be practiced, we aim to create an environment where employees can work in a safe information security environment regardless of their location.
Our Services / Products
We sell safety-conscious foods and ingredients, such as organic vegetables, specially cultivated agricultural products, and additive-free processed foods, to consumers through our website and catalogs.
Oisix ra daichi offers a food delivery business for individual customers, as well as food delivery services that provide uniquely cultivated solutions for our corporate customers.
Skills Used in the Company
- Android
- Github
- GitLab
- iOS
- Java
- Oracle
- React
- TypeScript
- Vue.js
Engineering Team
Q. What projects/services is your engineering team working on?
You will take part in the planning, implementing, and improving of the IT systems used at the Oisix-ra daichi Group and ensure the best possible employee experience for all members.
You will also work on building an infrastructure that enables smooth data integration between systems, as well as introducing and improving IT systems used in the office.
Q. What technologies are you using?
The development languages used are TypeScript, JavaScript, and JSP (used in existing applications).
Other major libraries and tools are also used.
Q. What type of engineers work at your company? What is their job content?
Our engineers work on applications, system development, networking, and the front end, from the designing stage to the testing stage.
Q. Do you plan on using any new technologies in the future?
Utilizing our business model technology.
Q. If you do, please tell us the details!
Our business model and technology fundamentally consist in avoiding food wastage by optimally matching supply and demand using proprietary algorithms. In the future, we will continue to propose more sustainable dietary lifestyles through various methods such as agri-tech-based cultivation.
Career Path
Our Corporate Culture
- Assertive
- Cooperative
- Flexible
- Logical
- Progressive
We support our employees so that they can tackle challenging issues independently and proactively.
We aim to create an open work environment where discussions are encouraged and each employee can work actively.