BPO / Call Center
Company Overview / Who We Are
All of our group's various companies have developed their activity in accordance with our mission to solve social issues and build a sustainable society. In 2019, we entered the 1st Section (now titled "Prime") of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, we have since established an even stronger management foundation.
We have maintained a stable growth despite the COVID-19 pandemic, and have achieved an increase in sales for nine consecutive fiscal years and profit for six consecutive fiscal years.
We aim to further expand our business in the future.
Akihabara Dai Bldg. 6F, 1-18-13 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
1,100 members
(As of May 31, 2022)
372.2 million JPY
Net Sales
24,862 million JPY
Official Language
Our Vision / Mission
Supporting corporate transformation and solving social issues through the power of outsourcing
~Helping to solve social issues through business plans~
We have been providing tools to solve various social and corporate issues, which change with the passing of time, in line with our founding philosophy.
Our Services / Products
・Temporary staffing business
・Farms employing people with disabilities
・DX service for extensive administration
・Carbon offset consulting business
※We have a new IT SES business. We are hiring for the Algorithm Development Department, which is a part of this new business.
Skills Used in the Company
- C
- C++
- Go
- Java
- JavaScript
- Node.js
Engineering Team
Q. What projects/services is your engineering team working on?
Algorithm development, AI
Q. What technologies are you using?
Not yet started. We would like to develop algorithms and AI with talented engineers.
Q. What type of engineers work at your company? What is their job content?
Algorithm development engineers, AI engineers
Q. Do you plan on using any new technologies in the future?
same as above
Q. If you do, please tell us the details!
We envision a tool that makes digital decisions and recommendations based on algorithmically developed content in instances where the AI is queried.
Career Path
You can become a board member by delivering good results. There are young executive officers emerging, and although we are in the Prime market section, we have an entrepreneurial spirit.
Our Corporate Culture
- Assertive
- Cooperative
- Flexible
- Progressive
- Team Work