IT Services & System Development
Company Overview / Who We Are
We are a group company of the Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group, with our headquarters in Osaka. The Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group is engaged in a variety of different businesses primarily in Kansai area, including urban transportation, real estate, entertainment, travel, hotels, department stores, and movies.
We, ITEC HANKYU HANSHIN Co., Ltd. are a comprehensive IT company that develops and provides systems for various business ventures within the Hankyu Hanshin Toho Group, including the Hankyu Hanshin Railway, Takarazuka Revue, Hanshin Tigers baseball team, and Hankyu Hanshin Real Estate, etc. We support them with the power of ICT.
By working for a company that supports the social infrastructure of the Hankyu Hanshin Group, you can work with a sense of contributing to society. You also have the opportunity to work on systems for a wide range of businesses, which is ever expanding.
We are committed to creating a comfortable working environment for our employees and have many programs that support their long-term employment. We also offer a full range of benefits.
Hanshin Noda Center Building, 1-1-31 Ebie, Fukushima-ku, Osaka, Japan
1,219 members
As of March 31, 2023 ・Number of persons who have passed the Information Technology Engineer Examination (including former examination categories) Basic Information Technology Engineer: 436 Applied Information Technology Engineers: 203 Advanced Information Technology Engineers: 187
200 million JPY
Net Sales
31,700 million JPY
Official Language
Our Vision / Mission
ITEC Hankyu Hanshin realizes genuine customer satisfaction and builds the way to the future.
We contribute to the development of society through the use of electronics, communications, and information technology. We achieve this all while pursuing the happiness of all people--not only those who are involved in our business, but also the customers of our customers.
・We are committed to being a company that sincerely works to addresses customer's challenges with information and intelligence.
・We aim to be a company that provides integrated, high-value-added services and products with international perspectives and innovative technology, in addition to establishing a good relationship with society.
Our Services / Products
(Business Segments)
(1) Social Systems Business: Transportation-related systems (contributing to safe, convenient, and comfortable lifestyles. Developing and providing urban transportation systems for railroad operations and on-site business management)
(2) Internet Business (Supporting businesses in the advanced information society. Developing Internet-related businesses such as our own brand of connectivity services, e-commerce, server hosting, and website development)
(3)Medical Systems Business (Protecting precious lives and health: Development and sales of various systems useful for doctors and patient services in the medical field, such as clinical testing, medical checkups, infection control support, and electronic medical records)
(4) Social Systems Business Building-related systems (Contributing to safe, convenient, and comfortable living: Development and provision of building-related systems that manage space and assets)
(5)Solutions business (realizing efficient business and information flow; proposing systems that meet customer needs such as CATV, production management, IT infrastructure, disaster prevention information, etc., and providing development and operation services)
(6)Contracted system development business/technical service business (Pursuing customer-oriented and custom-made both in hardware or software. We respond promptly to various orders from our customers, and undertake the development of various high-quality systems and software, such as "embedded systems." We also provide a wide range of advanced technical services from the user's perspective, from maintenance services to the development and manufacture of control equipment and other hardware.)
Skills Used in the Company
- .NET
- Adobe Dreamweaver
- Adobe Illustrator
- Azure
- Backlog
- C
- C#
- C++
- Catalyst
Engineering Team
Q. What projects/services is your engineering team working on?
Embedded development of in-vehicle terminals in the mobility field, development of various systems for electric power companies, common accounting and HR systems and CDP infrastructure for the group companies, POS systems for large commercial facilities, and ticketing systems for large stadiums and theaters.
Q. What technologies are you using?
We use AWS, SAP, GCP, and a wide range of other services.
Although not included in this job description, we are also developing various services using image recognition AI and cloud services.
Q. What type of engineers work at your company? What is their job content?
We have a wide range of engineering positions, including embedded development engineers and scratch development engineers. Engineers with strong project management are assigned to the upstream processes(requirement definition, design, etc.) and communicate with customers
Even if your engineering skills are not that high, you can learn and develop your skills after joining the company.
Q. Do you plan on using any new technologies in the future?
We are developing solutions that incorporate cloud computing, SaaS, and various types of AI, as well as new concept business systems and other services.
Q. If you do, please tell us the details!
Development of railroad systems using image recognition AI, etc.
Career Path
Perform SE duties as a member → Become a player-manager → Become a manager
Our Corporate Culture
- Assertive
- Conservative
- Cooperative
- Deliberate
- Logical
- Team Work
We are a member of a group of companies that has established absolute trust and has a stable corporate culture--especially in the Kansai region. Our clients are involved in the urban transportation, real estate, and entertainment industries. Many of the systems we develop are related to consumers' daily lives.
We do not have the culture of a start-up company, but we place great importance on technical capabilities.
Regardless of the position, employees are given opportunities to realize new ideas and participate in challenges. In addition, the culture of "hou-ren-sou" or "reporting and consulting," which supports taking on challenges, is well established. We have a strong organizational culture that does not leave struggling members unattended, but rather helps them solve problems and issues. We also provide various supports for aspiring engineers to improve their skills.
So far, there are not many foreign nationals among our engineers.