Intelligent Science Co., Ltd.
IT Services & System Development
Company Overview / Who We Are
Intelligent Science is an IT company engaged in system development in the medical field and business solution field.
Since our company's establishment in 1985, we have continuously strengthened our development projects with a single goal in mind: to not only be a subcontractor for our clients, but a partner. This year in 2022, we are celebrating our 37th anniversary.
For the next 20 years, we will be focusing on improving the quality and technical capabilities of our products, so that we can continue to be trusted as a highly reliable partner by our clients.
Accordingly, we are committed to our employees' growth and devote a lot of effort into employee training.
We regularly conduct satisfaction surveys, not only to our customers but also to our employees to improve their motivation.
Shin-Yokohama Nara Building 2F, 2-2-8 Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 222-0033
47 members
Full time employee: 46 Contract employee: 1
10 million JPY
Net Sales
360 million JPY
Official Language
Our Vision / Mission
A company that supports all people by providing the values of current needs
1.We contribute to society by creating and providing new values
2.We provide high quality systems and services to our customers.
3.We create an organizational culture where employees can grow and trust each other
Our Services / Products
We develop systems and solutions, mainly for the medical field and the business field.
Here are a few case studies of projects we have developed:
1.Medical information system
We have been involved in the development and implementation of medical information systems for nearly 20 years. In particular, we specialize in the field of radiation systems and image processing systems, providing software development, consulting services, and system maintenance to hospitals. In the future, we would like to further expand the applicable fields and contribute to the realization of a safe and secure society.
2.Logistics system for chemical resin manufacturers
Management system for various operations such as inventory and order management.
Main functions: inventory control for raw materials, warehouse management, test results management, and order management.
3.GPS survey system package
A 3D surveying system that determines the position on the ground using radio waves sent from satellites.
Main functions: data import, eccentricity correction, coordinating system conversion, printing/editing/displaying of reports, CAD, and DXF/SXF.
4.Smartphone application development
Photo album app for Android users.
Main functions: organizing of pictures taken and received from other devices, slide show, comment input function, picture editing, and multilingual support.
Skills Used in the Company
- Android
- Angular.js
- C
- C#
- C++
- CentOS
- Django
- iOS
- Java
- JavaScript
- Kotlin
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- Spring Boot
- SQLServer
- Swift
Engineering Team
Q. What projects/services is your engineering team working on?
Our engineering team works on a variety of systems and projects, including, but not limited to:
*Development of human resources and labour management system
*Support for the introduction of personnel and labour management systems
*Development of medical systems (image support, engineer support, clinical trials, and genome-related)
*Support for the introduction of medical systems
*Solutions for retail businesses
*Smartphone app development
*Surveying system development
Q. What technologies are you using?
We mainly use Java, C#.NET, VB.NET, Database (Oracle, SQLServer)
Q. What type of engineers work at your company? What is their job content?
Project Leader
System Engineer / Programmer
Field Engineer (For Medical)
Q. Do you plan on using any new technologies in the future?
While we do not have the resources for this yet, we hope to work with AI in the future.
Career Path
Our Corporate Culture
- Assertive
- Cooperative
- Logical
- Team Work
Our company is a relatively flat organisation, and the atmosphere is so friendly and homely that instructors that come in for employee training are always surprised.
While we do not have a strong vertical structure in our company, we put a lot of effort into horizontal cooperation by organizing activities to improve teamwork and motivation. Therefore, our horizontal structure is strong.
In our head office, we place importance on providing a comfortable and efficient working environment for our employees, including a free address workspace, a casual dress code, while always strengthening our development environment.