ACADEMY Corporation
Education / Training
Company Overview / Who We Are
We are the largest educational institution in Tochigi, with the highest exam pass rates in the Prefecture.
Maintaining close ties with the community, we run private tutoring schools (1 instructor for 2 students, guaranteed-results system) for average-scoring to high-scoring students, as well as preparatory cram schools that allow students to aim for a school one-level higher.
We have various formats to suit different children, integrated with our own specially designed intellectual education curriculum based on more than 30 years of research and experience. With over 10,000 students, we are proud to hold the No.1 exam pass rates in the Prefecture.
In addition, we support education for children around the world, and have established five schools in Cambodia, Nepal, and Bangladesh.
Utsunomiya Head Office: 371-12 Hosoya-cho, Utsunomiya-shi, Tochigi 320-0074
734 members
200 million JPY
Net Sales
2,537 million JPY
Official Language
Our Vision / Mission
■ Updating our philosophy to "Smile&Heartful"
- Academy Group's philosophy has been updated from "Creating QUALIER People" to "Smile&Heartful" .
For a long time, we have upheld the educational philosophy of "Creating QUALIER people" (QUALIER is the brand name of our cram schools) with the intention of "fostering fine individuals who will pioneer the future”. However, this philosophy, dating from our institution's founding, had only our pupils in mind. Today, as we have expanded our corporate scale and are conscious of the social responsibility we hold for the community. The new "Smile&Heartful" was therefore born in our mission to put a smile to more people's faces.
This philosophy was inspired by one of the Academy Group's core values, "Making people happier, being happier". It expresses our desire to make our customers, the local community, and all of us happy.
- Smiling and being kind-hearted, so that we can all live happily together -
Although the company's slogan has been changed to "Smile&Heartful", we have retained "Creating QUALIER People" as the core educational philosophy of the Academy Group. "Smile&Heartful" is a simple expression of the idea "Making people happier, being happier", which represents our desire to "make others happy (altruism)" as well as "make ourselves happy (self-fulfillment)", by making all people including ourselves smile with our hospitality.
Our Services / Products
【Business Description】
Guidance for students in elementary school, junior high school, and high school for entrance examinations. Cognitive development education for young children.
A comprehensive education company that operates 76 schools mainly in Tochigi Prefecture, providing consistent education from age 0 to 18 and achieving the No. 1 success rate in entrance examinations in the Prefecture.
【Business category】
・Early childhood education (Gyoshun International Kindergarten, Gyoshun International Academy, After School Preparatory School)
・Group tutoring (Preparatory school QUALIER, Preparatory school ACADEMY), Individual tutoring (Kobetsu Sidou Manten no Hoshi, Kawaijuku Manabisu)
Character education: we do not just teach people how to study for entrance examinations, but also aim to cultivate human qualities. For this reason, we provide an environment in which employees can improve themselves through an average of 50 training sessions per year.
Skills Used in the Company
- .NET
- Active Directory
- Apache
- Azure
- Backlog
- Cisco
- Docker
- Github
- GitLab
- Java
- JavaScript
- JP1
- macOS
- Oracle
- Oracle Database
- PostgreSQL
- VB
- VMWare
- Windows
Engineering Team
Q. What projects/services is your engineering team working on?
・Operation and maintenance of the company's overall IT infrastructure
・Construction of simplified VPN (network renewal) for each office
・Renewal of client security software
・Improvement of business efficiency (RPA)
Q. What technologies are you using?
Cloud services (Azure), some development in vb, java, Dot NET
Q. What type of engineers work at your company? What is their job content?
・Application development
・General in-house SE
Through the above roles, our engineers work with a mission to improve our company's activities with IT, making proposals, and ultimately contributing to the company's profit.
Q. Do you plan on using any new technologies in the future?
・Machine Learning
・Private blockchain
Q. If you do, please tell us the details!
・Predicting and patterning high school entrance exam questions
・Strengthening of personal data protection
・Development of new teaching materials
Career Path
- There is more than one career for Academy employees -
There are a variety of career plans to suit each individual's personality and life plans.
We provide an environment where you can achieve your career aspirations while working at the Academy by offering the opportunity to challenge yourself in accordance with your desired career path, and an examination system for promotion to school principal.
We also have an evaluation system in place, and all employees use growth sheets that set specific goals and evaluation criteria for each position and job title.
This system allows us to visualize the efforts of each employee in a fair and impartial manner, and to clearly set targets for personal growth and goals.
Our Corporate Culture
- Assertive
- Cooperative
- Deliberate
- Flexible
- Logical
- Progressive
- Team Work
Our company is committed to reforming the way we work in order to achieve employee growth and work-life balance.
We have a comfortable working environment where overtime work averages 21 hours per month (industry average: 49 hours) and the turnover rate in 2018 (fiscal year) was 9.5% (industry average: 15.6%). The average age of our employees is 34.7 years old, and we have a wide range of employees from new graduates to those in their 60s.