• A logo of DO HOUSE Inc. on a green background
  • A white background with the words "Everyone should be enterprising" with green and curved circles around
  • A closer look at a stuffed animal of a brown rubbit in a corridor in an office
  • Two employees looking at their laptops on a brown desk, photographed from above

    DO HOUSE Inc.

    Digital Marketing Business

    Company Overview / Who We Are

    ■For the purpose of supporting product development and product nurturing for manufacturers, we have networked 5.5 million consumers and created mechanisms that enable communication contacts between products and consumers, store-front and consumers, consumers and consumers, and product managers and consumers. We have also made it possible to provide our clients with real-life and in-store facts by satisfying highly demanding screening conditions. Our strength is our ability to convey by word of mouth the appeal of the products to consumers, which is difficult to achieve through other media, and to have a consumer network that meets versatile marketing needs, both on- and off-line. 【Major Clients】 Mainly large companies such as food, beverage, daily necessities, cosmetics manufacturers, and major advertising agencies. More than 90% of our clients are listed on the prime market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (more than 500 companies). 【Service Lineup in Various Promotional and Sales Promotion Areas】 ■Moratame.net, a word-of-mouth network for acquiring trial advertisements and word-of-mouth communication ■Tentame!, in-store promotion support network ■REECH, influencer database ■Camper, a must-buy campaign system ■DO-san.net, field marketers network
    AK Building 3F, 6-1 Gobancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0076
    108 members
    Number of employees: 108 / of which 94 are full-time employees (as of May 2023)
    810 million JPY
    Net Sales
    Not Disclosed
    Official Language

    Our Vision / Mission

    <Contribute to the creation of our Human Networking Industry> We believe that value will be created in areas that cannot be segmented by age, gender, region, or other general attributes. The keyword for this is "small mass". For example, the eye level height of a person in a wheelchair is approximately at 110cm. There is a world of 110cm that only they can understand. Other examples include people who take 2 hours to commute to work, cosplayers who participate in big events every year, e-sports players, and so on. Let's take a closer look at various, unconventional occasions. A common value or a product that fits into the viewpoint shared only by those who gather there will create a new wave. Experience and titles are irrelevant to discovering new value not yet existing. We would be happy to work together with those of you with fresh perceptions who are willing to commit yourselves to the Do-House business.

    Our Services / Products

    <Developing a new era of marketing that fully utilizes the digital world and networks> We are developing marketing services mainly in the Greater Tokyo Area. We conduct word-of-mouth promotion and qualitative information research in the two marketing fields of lifestyle and distribution. We develop and implement marketing systems that fully utilize digital and network technologies such as PCs and the Internet. Our business domain is "multi-purpose networking" that supports marketing in the new era. <Our numerous digital marketing business groups> Do-House has a network of 5.5 million consumers that carry the purpose of supporting product development and product incubation for manufacturers. Through this network, Do-House has increased the number of touch points for communication. These touch points include product-to-consumer, storefront-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer, and product manager-to-consumer.

    Skills Used in the Company

    • AWS
    • C
    • Docker
    • EAGLE
    • GCP
    • GitLab
    • Java
    • Laravel
    • Linux
    • MySQL
    • Phalcon
    • PHP
    • Python
    • React Native

    Engineering Team

    Q. What projects/services is your engineering team working on?
    ・Design, development, operation, maintenance, and improvement of web services, including the trial site "Moratame.net", the in-store trial site "Tentame", and the influencer marketing site "REECH" ・Construction, operation, and maintenance of robust infrastructure environment
    Q. What technologies are you using?
    PHP, Laravel, JavaScript, Vue.js, python, AWS, etc.
    Q. What type of engineers work at your company? What is their job content?
    Front end and back end development using PHP, JavaScript, etc., and the infrastructure (IDCF Cloud, AWS) to host them.
    Q. Do you plan on using any new technologies in the future?
    In the future, we will actively develop new services that will enable more clients to solve their marketing issues through our services.
    Q. If you do, please tell us the details!
    We have not yet decided on a specific technology or service, but we plan to solicit from engineers the technologies and services they would like to work on, and bring them together to create new services.

    Career Path

    This is a new style of employment that can be adapted to various situations to suit your lifestyle, whether you want to be deeply involved in the marketing business for a short period of time and gain highly specialized skills, knowledge, and experience, or design your own unique career, such as independence in the future. We also offer an environment that stimulates your desire to grow. 【Sample career paths for engineers】 Team member → Project lead as PL or PM

    Our Corporate Culture

    • Assertive
    • Cooperative
    • Flexible
    • Logical
    • Progressive
    • Team Work
    Communication across departments is active, and our employees get along very well with each other. Many of our employees proactively take on challenges in both their work or private life, guided by the motto of "give it a try". They enjoy making rich conversation, and they frequently exchange information about each other's experiences and knowledge, such as things they have tried recently, the latest food trends, and so on. There is a range of personalities among our employees, some of whom like to keep their work and private lives separate, while others like to socialize with their workmates on their days off. In this way, while everyone shares the same basis in curiosity and ability to take action, as people's way of thinking and worldviews are diverse, it becomes possible to experience many different points of view.
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