Classmethod, Inc.
IT Services & Consulting
Company Overview / Who We Are
We are one of the only 12 AWS Premier Consulting Partners in Japan. In 2021, we were awarded "AWS Services Partner of the Year-Japan" for being the best AWS partner in Japan for the second year in a row. Our strengths lie in being pioneers in bringing attention to groundbreaking new technologies, as well as working with user companies to create case studies, accumulating expertise, establishing new businesses, and providing new value.
600 members
including group companies
100 million JPY
Net Sales
Not Disclosed
Official Language
Our Vision / Mission
Based on our management philosophy: "Through innovative thinking and advanced technological capabilities, we strive to contribute to the creative activities of all people," we provide consulting, system development, and operation services for cloud, mobile, big data, and voice recognition technologies.
As a group of highly acclaimed engineers, we provide continuous support based on our accumulated and formalized expertise and make suggestions that meet the business challenges of our clients.
Our Services / Products
Business contents:
・Technical consultation, development, and operation of cloud computing (AWS, etc.)
・Technical consultation, development, and operation of data analysis platforms
・Planning, developing, and operating applications (LINE, iOS, etc.)
・Planning, developing, supporting, and operating of SaaS and web services
・IT personnel training for companies and support for in-house production
・Planning, developing, and operating unmanned store technology and cashless payment systems
Services we operate:
・AWS comprehensive support service "Classmethod Members"
・LINE mini-application generation service "CX ORDER"
・Data integration platform "CS Analytics"
・Technology media "DevelopersIO Zenn"
・IT experimental store "DevelopersIO CAFE"
・Profile Viewer "Proflly"
Skills Used in the Company
- Java
- JavaScript
- Python
- React
- Ruby
- Swift
- Vue.js
Engineering Team
Q. What projects/services is your engineering team working on?
We provide a wide range of services: including introducing overseas SaaS products and verifying its technology; delivering optimal solutions to problems that our clients encounter; performing AWS infrastructure consultation, design, construction, operation, and maintenance; and carrying out contracted development of mobile applications and IoT.
Q. What technologies are you using?
Although we use a variety of technologies and services, we primarily deal with AWS, the public cloud. Regardless of which department you are assigned to, you will be deeply involved with AWS.
Many of our employees have been officially recognized for their outstanding technical skills by being selected for awards such as 2022 APN AWS Top Engineers, 2022 APN ALL AWS Certifications Engineers, etc.
Q. What type of engineers work at your company? What is their job content?
There is a wide variety of engineering positions available. We will determine your assignment based on your preferences and aptitude.
(Examples of positions)
・Alliance Engineer
This position is responsible for the technical verifications related to Partner Alliance products (service), in addition to proposal activities to customers, implementation support, customer support, etc. Since the scope of this work is wide, the areas of responsibility can be discussed and decided with regard to the applicant's characteristics.
- Activities related to presales, implementation support (semi-assignment), customer support, and customer success
- Technical verification, information distribution through blogs and videos
- Webinars/events/hands-on projects/preparation of materials/presentations
- Communication with partners including overseas (regularly and irregularly)
- Internal information distribution, planning and holding product study sessions
- Other general technical support necess
Q. Do you plan on using any new technologies in the future?
New services are periodically being considered and implemented. We also have a department that specializes in handling new services/businesses.
Q. If you do, please tell us the details!
To cite a few past examples, we've been developing new business related to products and services such as a "platform that provides a mobile ordering application exclusively for stores on LINE," "a profile viewer that visualizes the strengths and personalities of individual employees," and "an information sharing community platform for engineers."
Career Path
Our Corporate Culture
- Assertive
- Cooperative
- Flexible
- Logical
- Progressive
- Team Work
Classmethod Leadership Principle (CLP)
The Classmethod Leadership Principles (CLP) are the guidelines and values of our employees.
Based on the idea that all employees are leaders, we make initiatives without waiting for instructions or expecting others to take responsibility. We strive to achieve the best result possible without any compromise, while involving and cooperating with our colleagues.
We treat each other equally as partners and respect each other regardless of employment status (employee, part-time worker, outsourcer), company (parent company, subsidiary company), role (supervisor, subordinate), or job (engineer, back office).
We learn about diverse values such as age, gender, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, and disability. We also support each other at different life stages such as childbirth, childcare, and nursing care, and we use this experience to our strength.
With expertise, we will continue to learn with dignity and humility, and strive to demonstrate our outstanding abilities. Furthermore, we act as a catalyst to help others grow and change.
We speak and act with respect, trust, and gratitude. All work is based on trust. We do not prioritize on what returns we get, but rather voluntarily strive to have a positive impact on those around us.
Customer Perspective
We create products by thinking deeply from the customer's point of view, considering what they really need, how to make their experience pleasent, and what we can do to develop and continually provide to them.
We value all feedback from our customers as well as our team. We proactively seek feedback, see it in a positive point of view, and make improvements quickly and continuously. Likewise, while giving feedback to others, we communicate it clearly so that they can take concrete action.
Output of information
The output of knowledge leads to the greatest input, which leads to the person's growth. In order to continue contributing to the creative activities of all people, we will continue to provide concrete and easy-to-understand information to society. We believe that our experience and knowledge will be useful to others, and we will continue our activities to connect them to the next generation.
Try it.
Taking too much time to consider, looking for reasons not to do something, or doing nothing at all, is a major loss of opportunity. We try small and immediate projects first with curiosity, but not basing our decisions solely on past experience and knowledge at the same time. Starting earlier, facing faileures and improving faster is our greatest survival strategy.
Have fun
We enjoy tackling difficult work and work that many people don't like to do. We like major changes and enjoy them as opportunities for growth. We keep ourselves physically and mentally healthy so that we can enjoy these things. We speak up and act accordingly, so that everyone can enjoy their work.