Aidma Holdings Inc
IT Services & Consulting
Company Overview / Who We Are
We, Aidma Holdings, were established in 2008 for the purpose of providing sales support.
Over the past 10 years, we have developed a variety of services for our corporate clients and the people who work for them, while incorporating the technologies needed to keep pace with the changing times.
By creating an employment support market, we will revolutionize the way people work in Japan and around the world.
Our future activities will focus on the following themes.
■ Make new business development activities in Japan more efficient and creating an environment in which sales personnel can focus on their core tasks (solution activities).
■Create a stable and secure work environment where people in Japan who desire to work but are unable to, or are restricted in how they work, are not bound by time or location.
■ Enabling a way of working that is not restricted by time or location by creating a platform that allows work-sharing of various core operations (human resources, accounting, finance, labor relations, and public relations) necessary for companies other than sales.
Achieving these goals will lead to what we call "Work Innovation".
5&10F oak meguro, 2-13-30 Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0021
310 members
Full-time employees: 290 / Part-time and contract workers: 20 / Work from home job workers: 2,975 (As of May 31, 2023)
1,075 million JPY
Net Sales
6,193 million JPY
Official Language
Our Vision / Mission
【Turning dreams into reality for every one】
The reason for the existence of Aidma Holdings is to "contribute to the realization of everyone's dreams." A dream is something you want to achieve in the future. A desire. A wish. Turning these dreams into reality for every one means creating an environment and society where people can hold dreams. We provide infrastructure and solutions that enable those who have dreams to realize them.
【Promote utilization of potential labor force, instead of stopping the declining birthrate】
In order to realize our mission of "turning dreams into reality for every one," our vision is to transform the company into one that expands the possibilities of the world.
By operating globally, we aim to help solve the problems of declining birthrates and aging populations facing developed countries, including Japan, through the improvement of productivity and external utilization. By doing this, we will realize our vision of "expanding the world's possibilities."
Our Services / Products
Aidma's business is not just telemarketing or sales representation, but also to find winning patterns through test marketing and providing clients with a sales structure. By establishing winning patterns through our services, our clients can maximize their earnings by establishing various strategies, such as conducting sales on their own or reducing costs by switching to home-based sales.
As the population declines, it will become increasingly difficult for companies to secure excellent sales personnel. Difficulties in retaining personnel, post-training resignation, and other personnel issues could affect the company's business performance. That is why we at Aidma are confident in proposing our products and services to our customers in order to solve such social issues.
Our business is divided into three main categories.
Sales Support Business, Operational Support Business, and Management Support Business, offering approximately 20 products for different purposes.
Skills Used in the Company
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe InDesign
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe XD
- Amazon Aurora
- Angular.js
- Ansible
- Apache
- Azure
- Backlog
- CakePHP
- CentOS
- Datadog
- Docker
- ElasticSearch
- Github
- Go
- Heroku
- Laravel
- MongoDB
- Nginx
- Node.js
- PostgreSQL
- Python
- React
- React Native
- Redis
- Terraform
- Ubuntu
- Vue.js
- Zabbix
Engineering Team
Q. What projects/services is your engineering team working on?
・Development and management of in-house products
・Internal network management (information system related)
Q. What technologies are you using?
PHP and other development languages are used. It differs depending on the project.
Q. What type of engineers work at your company? What is their job content?
Project Management
Development management, development
Design of in-house projects, creation of in-house documents
Management of internal network
Internal security management (ISMS)
Construction and management of infrastructure
Q. Do you plan on using any new technologies in the future?
Q. If you do, please tell us the details!
We continue to develop new services
Career Path
Our Corporate Culture
- Assertive
- Cooperative
- Deliberate
- Logical
- Team Work
We value communication within the company highly and have built a frank relationship with members of other departments without excessive seniority.
In addition, our system development department is actively incorporating new technologies in its development, so you will be able to take on new challenges while making the most of your experience.