IT Services & System Development
Company Overview / Who We Are
Through our IT and outsourcing capabilities, we provide services that are all-inclusive: from the arterial industry (industries that generate resources and waste) to the venous industry (industries that recycle and treat resources and waste). We assist companies and municipalities in improving operational efficiency, compliance, and governance in waste management and disaster recovery support.
As an environmental IT company, we provide IT solutions and information management services to optimize resource recycling, as well as to realize a circular economy toward the decarbonized society.
31-13 Higashi-Arai, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture
288 members
As of September 2023
100 million JPY
Net Sales
3,130 million JPY
Official Language
Our Vision / Mission
The Symbiosis of Economic Activities and the Global Environment
Corporate Slogan:
"Tackling environmental issues with IT"
We are always thinking about what we can do to solve the environmental problems we face, and contribute to an advanced recycling society and a decarbonized society through IT.
Our Services / Products
・Risk visualization, appropriate management support, and environmental problem solving in waste disposal procedures for waste-producing companies
・Core system for resource recycling companies
・Core systems for municipalities
・Management systems for disaster waste
Skills Used in the Company
- .NET
- Azure
- C#
- Docker
- JavaScript
- React
- Visual studio code
- Web Api
Engineering Team
Q. What projects/services is your engineering team working on?
Responsible for upstream process of development (specification study, requirement definition, screen and form design, etc. SE and development MTG)
Q. What technologies are you using?
Cloud services and web application development
Q. What type of engineers work at your company? What is their job content?
WEB Application Engineer:
.NET Developer
Application Engineer
C# Developer
Docker Engineers
Engineering Managers
Engineering Project Managers
Frontend Developer
Frontend Web Developer
Full Stack Engineers
Project Leaders
Technical Leads
Web Application Engineer
Q. Do you plan on using any new technologies in the future?
Q. If you do, please tell us the details!
Now that we are undergoing a transformation towards a "recycling-oriented society" in order to create a sustainable society, JEMS is providing DX solutions utilizing new technologies as a sustainable partner of companies.
Career Path
Experience development & SE work as a member →Experience project leadership as a higher level member →Execute project management as a leader →Execute overall management as a manager
Our Corporate Culture
- Assertive
- Cooperative
- Deliberate
- Flexible
- Team Work
We aim to create an open environment based on a corporate culture that does not build boundaries.
We have a culture that encourages employees to take on new challenges, and we recognize those who produce results, regardless of their age or work history.
We also focus on education, and employees are able to take training courses that suit them from a variety of training programs during work hours.