• Employees in a meeting smiling
  • Employees  sitting at a table using a laptop
  • An employee sitting at a desk with a laptop
  • Employees discussing in front of a whiteboard
  • Employees posing for a photo

    Open Stream,Inc.

    IT Services & Telecommunications

    Company Overview / Who We Are

    Open Stream aims to provide "service innovation = true value sought by customers" that goes beyond system integration. We will achieve business transformation and create value based on the following strengths. ・Our expertise in services in various industries centered on BtoC over the past 20 years ・Our experience in utilizing cutting-edge technologies (AI, IoT, cloud, big data) ・Our experience in providing one-stop services, including upstream services ・Our creativity in providing proprietary services
    Shinjuku Dai-ichi Seimei Building 9F, 2-7-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
    589 members
    As of April 2023
    262.6 million JPY
    Net Sales
    Not Disclosed
    Official Language

    Our Vision / Mission

    Corporate Philosophy: Leading our clients to success through information technology and the abilities of our employees  Vision: To be a technology creation company at the center of the industry

    Our Services / Products

    More than 20 years of service knowledge in various industries centered on BtoC. Experience in utilizing cutting-edge technologies (AI, IoT, Cloud, Big Data). Achievement in providing one-stop services, including the most upstream processes. Ability to create proprietary services. System Integration We create new value by combining cutting-edge technologies with various industries that support society focusing on BtoC. We provide a one-stop service from the most upstream to requirement definition, infrastructure construction, system development, and operation and maintenance. e.g. Building a web service using cloud computing. Web Service Construction for B to C. Multi-Cloud (Implementation Support) We select a platform that meets the customer's needs without locking vendors, and support the construction of various infrastructures, web service platforms, and web application development. Security Solutions We provide a wide range of solutions for security issues that our customers face and support them in resolving these issues. Low-code Development Platform for Handy Terminal Biz/Browser Development and execution environment for applications for business systems, created as a tool to overcome slowness and difficulty in using Web systems.

    Skills Used in the Company

    • .NET
    • Angular
    • Angular.js
    • AWS
    • Azure
    • Backlog
    • C#
    • CentOS
    • DB2
    • Delphi
    • Docker
    • Github
    • Go
    • Hyper-V
    • Java
    • JavaScript
    • jQuery
    • Kotlin
    • React.js
    • Redmine
    • SQL
    • SVN
    • Swift
    • Vue.js
    • Zend

    Engineering Team

    Q. What projects/services is your engineering team working on?
    OpenStream develops both contract development and in-house packages. You may be involved in the following products: ・Cloud-based web service development ・Building web services for BtoC ・Platform construction ・API infrastructure construction ・DX support using agile development methods ・AI R&D support etc. As specific client examples, we support the following major Japanese web services. ・KINTO: Toyota's subscriber service ・Oisix: Online system of food and grocery sales ・GO: Development of an application for a cab dispatch service etc.
    Q. What technologies are you using?
    Advanced technologies (cloud, big data, AI, IoT)
    Q. What type of engineers work at your company? What is their job content?
    We are mainly looking for Web Application Engineers. Required skills vary depending on the development team. You will be assigned according to your skills and experience. (e.g. JavaScript for frontend, Phython for backend, etc.)
    Q. Do you plan on using any new technologies in the future?
    Q. If you do, please tell us the details!
    We have established a specialized team working on the use of generative AI and large-scale language models. We also focus on cloud and web development and product improvements. Our CTO at Open Stream is currently also doing research on AI at college! Our goal is to integrate the virtual and physical worlds in three dimensions to create a space where natural communication with AI is enabled. We also envision a future in which the evolution of AI technology will make communication between humans and machines more free and natural. For more information, please check out the video below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVCisnwBaOE

    Career Path

    Perform SE work as a member

    Our Corporate Culture

    • Assertive
    • Cooperative
    • Deliberate
    • Flexible
    • Logical
    • Progressive
    • Team Work
    Characteristics of people who are successful in our company  ・Able to think and act on their own in difficult situations ・Able to express their own opinions to those around them ・Able to work hard and improve themselves for their own growth


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