Why so many choose to live and work in Japan–other than money (Part 1)

Regardless of the country or company you work for, salary is probably an important factor for many of you. The salary level for IT engineers in Japan is on average a bit lower compared to other developed countries. However, in the case of Japan, although the salary is lower, the cost of living is much lower than countries like the U.S.A. or Canada, allowing for comfortable lifestyles for many. But did you know that when asking why foreigners choose to live and work in Japan, most mention reasons other than money? Let’s take a look at why so many choose to live and work in Japan together!
Japanese culture and language
You might have guessed it already, but the most common reason many want to work in Japan is interest in Japanese culture. It is no surprise, since a country’s culture will influence the way you think, communicate, and behave in all aspects of your life! Where mass media serves an integral part of the culture, those who enjoy anime and manga often become interested in living and working in Japan. The increasing popularity of Japanese entertainment, such as anime, manga, and games, reach all corners of the world, causing great interest in Japan and its culture. If this sounds like you, you’ll probably agree that there is no better way to immerse yourself in the culture than actually living there! For those who love Japanese culture, learning to understand Japanese means that they will be able to better understand their favorite media content. And while many choose to study Japanese abroad, the most effective way to improve Japanese abilities is actually living in Japan!
Safety, cleanliness,and a reliable welfare system
The safety and cleanliness of Japan are also very appealing aspects to many around the world. In Japan, the possession of guns and knives is prohibited by law, and there is very little danger in daily life. Additionally, the probability of terrorism occurring in Japan is low because of the country’s political stability. Residents of Japan are also generally well mannered and rule abiders. New residents and visitors are often surprised when their lost belongings are safely returned to them. Hygiene is highly prioritized among Japanese residents. It is quite rare to find yourself in a place that is unsanitary in Japan! Being able to live and work without constant worry or stress of danger or inconvenience should be a given anywhere, regardless of your country, but it is a privilege that residents of Japan enjoy everyday. Last but certainly not the least, there is Japan’s welfare system and welfare services. Japan's comprehensive social insurance and other support systems not only facilitate easy access to the welfare system for its citizens but also provide a comparatively smoother experience for new residents, distinguishing it from many other countries.
Check the advantages of working for a Japanese company
In this note, we introduced the advantages of Japan in terms of culture, language, and lifestyle. In Why so many choose to live and work in Japan—other than money (part 2), we talk about the advantages of working for a Japanese company, so please also read this article.
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