
Why you're not getting interviews

Yaaay team November 21, 2023 (Updated: March 12, 2024)
Four red dices stacked on a table outside
Having trouble passing the application screening process? This can be very discouraging and frustrating. However, with a few changes, your chances of going from the application screening process to an interview may be much higher. Here is one of a few tips to check when you are having trouble passing the application screening.

Target your application to jobs that match your skill set.

Apply for jobs that match your skills.
Of course, it is good to have a job title that you want to pursue in the future and specialized skills that you want to acquire. However, when applying for jobs, it is important that your skills match the skills the company is looking for.
For example, a mechanical engineer is not likely to be hired for a data scientist position. Understand that applying to a large number of jobs that are clearly not a match in your skills will not increase the number of interviews you get.

Your desired conditions could be misunderstood as non-negotiable ones.

Check to make sure that your desired annual salary and other benefits are not too far off from the job description. While you may be willing to negotiate and compromise during the interview process, such negotiations are not common in Japanese job-hunting activities.
Most Japanese job seekers accept the terms and conditions offered by the company as is, and the company may take this for granted.
Even if the company thinks you are an attractive candidate, they will probably eliminate you from consideration at the screening stage because they are afraid that you will decline their offer if they cannot accept your desires.

To begin, try practicing the above tips!

Applying to many jobs but not being able to get an interview. 
This problem may be considerably improved just by simply applying only to jobs that are a good match between the job description and your skills.

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